16/12/ 2024

It all started in Gothenburg, where our New Zealand boy Ch Riabel Son of a Gun got CACIB and BOB under judge Boo Lundström. The next show was in Turku, Finland, where Mary Gatheral, Herds, England gave Jimmy CC, CACIB, Nordic Winner-97 and the Finnish champion title. In Kongsberg, Norway, Jimmy also got the CC, CACIB and BOB and was awarded his Norwegian champion title. He got his final CACIB, BOB and BIG-4 in Ransäter under Norwegian judge Leif Ragnar Hjorth, and are now qualified for his international champion title. In Herning November 2nd, under judge Ulla Eriksson, Jimmy got his Danish title after winning another CC and CACIB. A son of Jimmy's - Request Shaded Phantom (ex Ob Ch Moorwood Krystal Diana) already has 2 CC's at the age of 11 months.

Our sable bitch Moorwood Krystal Delilah has, before having her litter this year, been winning CC, 2 x CACIB, BOB and BIG-3. The last win was under the wellknown Australian judge Glenyce Acreman, Hillacre. Three of Delilah's daughters (all by Int Ch Moorwood Handsome Dreamer) have had a good year as they all have got CC's. Moorwood Krystal Dream (owned by kennel Mianet, Denmark) was first to win a CC under Helge Lie at the Europeen Winners Show in Copenhagen. She also got the title Europeen Junior Winner-97. In November she got her second CC at the Danish shetland sheepdog club's Club Show in Vandel, under judge Carin Åkesson, Sweden. Kennel Sobelkusten own Moorwood Krystal Dawn, and she got her CC in Ransäter. The third sister Moorwood Krystal Delight, owned by Else Lidtveit, Norway, won her CC in Fredrikstad under the Swedish judge Eva Eriksson, kennel Crony.
Moorwood Handsome Honeysuckle) has gained another CC, CACIB and BOB, he is now Swedish champion. Proud owner kennel Sobelkusten. His litter brother Moorwood Handsome Drummer (owned by Karin Kjellman) got his first CC and CACIB under judge Ulla Eriksson, Crony. Our famous Int Ch Moorwood Handsome Destiny was BOB, BIG, BIS-4.

Destiny's half brother: Ch Moorwood Handsome Frontrunner (Ch Nigma Saffron ex Moorwood Sunblest Dream) was BOB twice at the Danish shetland sheepdog club's Club Shows this year. In March, under judge Jörn Aunfelt, Denmark, and in November, under judge Carin Åkesson, Sweden. His litter sister Moorwood Sunblest Fields of Flower won her first CC and R-CACIB at the int ch show in Jönköping November 1th.

Ch Moorwood Theme for a Dream is one of our very outstanding broodbitches. Her children has done very well. Int Ch Moorwood Theme of a Memory (owned by kennel Windcrest) has only been shown twice so far this year. She was BOB and BIG-3 under Johan Jusslin and Helge Lie. In Herning she got the CC, CACIB and BOB, and also her Danish title.

Moorwood Handsome Boss got his third CC at the int show in Stockholm in December, judge Mary Gatheral, and his litter sister Moorwood Bell of the Ball has 2 x CC. Kennel Request's Ob Ch Moorwood Theme of Nobility is on her way to her show champion title. Now she has 3 x CC and 1 x CACIB, and needs one more CC in Sweden to be made up. Last CC was under Carin Åkesson, kennel Windcrest.

Moorwood Real Privilige (litter brother of Moorwood Glowing Personality) has during the year won his first CC. Owner is Pirkko Karlsson.

In February each year the Swedish Shetland Sheepdog Club hold its first club show, and that is the biggest sheltie show every year. Usually around 100 shelties which is very good for Sweden. This year Ch Moorwood Promise to Keep (Ch Moorwood Handsome Nimrod ex Int Ch Moorwood Wild Rose) was BOB under English judge Kath McMillan, Beckwith. Promise to Keep is owned by Marita Bertilsson.